Quality Management and Regulatory Affairs in Medical Devices

Trainings and seminars given by Michael Schaefer


Freelancing and technical (ghost)writing

Freelancing and technical (ghost)writing

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I am a specialist on Quality Systems, Auditing, Design Control, Risk Management and Process Validation including Statistical Techniques. My philosophy is to install and live robust and sustainable Quality Systems where Risk Management and Quality Engineering is providing the link between Development, Manufacturing and Post-Market-Surveillance.


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So what is the difference?

Quality-on-site.com is a platform for quality practitioners provided by Michael Schaefer, Expert for Quality Management and Regulatory Affairs in Medical Devices. It is my goal to provide and exchange valuable information and knowledge needed for continuously improving quality methods in medical device industries to reduce patient risk, increase quality and fulfil regulatory requirements. Training and support is available upon request.

For more information and networking contact info@quality-on-site.com

The information on this site provided is free; however the author does not take any responsibility for contents and correctness.

My skill set

A quality system on its own will not improve product or process quality. Applying suitable tools and methods are crucial to ensuring long-term success and customer satisfaction.  Over the past years I was privileged to develop further my own skillset to implement both compliant and cost-efficient quality systems by focusing on patient safety and error prevention. Take a look into my skill set!

The latest Gossip

Medical device recalls in Canada

Changes to Canadian medical device regulation with respect to recalls: get your procedures ready for Dec 17, 2024. Make sure that the revised requirements are implemented. HC offers a nice flowchart guiding along the recall procedure. For voluntary recalls, your communication to HC will start 24h after making the decision to recall, on the day on the recall and 30 days after completion. Type III recalls will not need to be reported.

Audit hint

Clause 7.3.10 of ISO 13485:2016 requires manufacturer „to maintain a design and development file for each medical device type or medical device family“. During audits I often come across missing design development files. This was often caused by non-compliant quality systems in the past paired with a lack of regulatory oversight. Actually it is no rocket science to retrospectively generate design development files. This can often be accomplished within a few days. Let me know if you need support.

Design Validation

Do you know the following sentence? „Design validation shall be conducted on representative product. Representative product includes initial production units, batches or their equivalents. The rationale for the choice of product used for validation shall be recorded“. For sure you do, or? It’s from clause 7.3.7 in ISO 13485:2016. If you are involved in engineering of medical devices, please be reminded to adhere to this requirement. By the way, it applies as well to PQ in the area of process validation. In each of my last three audits I came across one violation in those areas: Non-equivalent design validation lots, PQ having been done with early prototypes or even commerical products not being representative.


Heiligkreuzstrasse 59,
72379 Hechingen Germany


