Work-life balance
Work-life balance
There must be more than work in life and there is no harm in doing other stuff as just Quality and Regulatory….Find some pictures of my chainsaw carved sculptures below and more can be found via here:
Chainsaw Carving – there are other things in life as well
If you want to get in contact, feel free to drop an email to Michael@schwaebische-kettensaege.de
Step-by-step guides
Below you can download some pictures and some step-by-step files. These files should help starting up your own chainsaw carving experience. Having just begun, I am far off from giving advise, however it may give some more insight how to carve your own nice ideas….
Crazy Chainsaw Creatures
The crazy chainsaw creatures were done just for fun. Cutting was done quite fast, colorizing was a huge task….the creatures are available customized.
Skulpturen aus den Blutbuchen
Leider mussten die sehenswerten Blutbuchen vom Obertorplatz Hechingen gefällt werden. Glücklicherweise war es mir möglich, große Teile des Stammholzes zu ersteigern. Nun entstehen daraus geschnitzte Skulpturen mit Motiven aus Hechingen. Das erste Ergebnis zeigt den Unteren Turm aus dem Jahre 1579.
Wooden Giant
The wooden giant is 3m tall and was made from one piece on demand. It took 3 days to cut this guy out of an old tree.
Aus dieser großen Esche konnte ich verschiedene Bären in etwa 5m Höhe schnitzen.
Sitzbank unterer Turm und Stadtkirche Hechingen
Heiligkreuzstrasse 59,
72379 Hechingen Germany